5 All-Natural Tricks For The Girl Who Doesn’t Comb Her Hair

5 All-Natural Tricks For The Girl Who Doesn’t Comb Her Hair


Let’s be real for a minute! During morning beauty rushes, combs and hairbrushes sadly don’t make the cut anymore. 21-century girls are more likely to head for the door with wild bedhead than combed-straight locks. Fashion girls of this era have embraced their natural tangles and took to natural remedies to do all the detangling dirty work. We’ve said adios to the constant pulling and tugging of fine-toothed combs, and welcomed in 5 natural tricks we can easily do for healthy and smooth locks all summer long.
Want to get in the loop? Scroll down and start including these 5 easy hair fixes, no comb required!

Target The Roots


A common misconception on using shampoo is thinking that your whole head of hair needs the bubble concoction. Spare on the shampoo and lather on the roots more than your mane. Oil buildup is kept on your scalp, needing more of the dollop.

Never Linger

When using heating tools, don’t linger on one section for too long, further damage is just around the corner after re-doing the same part over and over. Move on to the next portion of your hair and keep the heat source spread out in your locks.

Forget The Flirty Twirl 

Leave the twirling to the ballerinas and keep the hair twisting at bay. Keep your fingers out of your hair and locks out of your face, for a clean and healthy mane.

Say Hello To Aloe!

Trust in a daily shampoo and conditioner that uses natural elements sparingly. Palmolive Healthy And Smooth Shampoo and Cream Conditioner contains Aloe Vera extracts that gently washes your scalp, leaving your hair smooth from root to tip. Use this together with Palmolive Naturals Healthy & Smooth Cream Conditioner to smoothen your hair for effortless finger-combing throughout the day.

Don’t Scorch In The Shower

We all know people in the Philippines love washing their hair daily, it does get pretty hot especially in the summer. Step into the showerhead in lukewarm to cold water when locks are involved. If your hair is still clean, wear a showercap to protect your scalp from drying and breakage.
In article images: Palmolive | Pinterest | MEG Magazine | Pierre of THTF Models

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