6 Things to Remember When Planning for Your Wedding Day

6 Things to Remember When Planning for Your Wedding Day


Wedding details you should keep in mind if you don’t want to unleash the bridezilla in you on your special day.


Do you know what’s more nerve-wracking than the wedding day itself? The wedding preparation. Amidst the vendor meetings, dress fittings, and wine tastings, sometimes you can’t help but forget the little details. The “extra” wedding details that can make or break your special day. Don’t fret because here are some wedding advice you may follow to avoid missing out anything:


Bring an emergency kit



Wedding disasters or accidents are unavoidable. It could be a chipped nail polish (good bye perfect #ringselfie), sweaty and not-so-fresh face, or a wedding gown malfunction (uh-oh). Pack your wedding day survival kit with fashion tape, stain remover, blotting papers, clear nail polish, safety pins, perfume, and breath mints. Bring only the essentials because you’re going to carry this kit with you all day.


Set up an unforgettable wedding entrance



Make your entrance grand by setting up a unique yet elegant entryway that matches your theme and color. A wedding entrance also signifies the beginning of a new chapter in your lives—the married life.


Put the guest book where everyone can see it  



Aside from the photos and videos, a guest book is a good memento you can keep after your wedding. Get creative on how to make guests write on it since it’s not enough to set it up at the entrance of the reception venue or bring a set of pens for them to use.


Create a seating chart



Crowd control is vital when guests arrived at the wedding reception venue. You don’t want to risk a couple or family member getting split up from their group because an extra seat or table means additional cost. Also, how would you feel if you’re forced to sit-in with a group of strangers?


Pick a signature drink

A wedding is not complete without a signature drink. It’s ideal to offer one type of each: red, white, cocktail, and of course, a non-alcoholic 100% grape juice like May Sparkling. This Belgian juice is made from the finest grapes, perfect for all celebrations especially weddings.


May Sparkling Grape Juice is sweet, bubbly, and refreshing, it can bring life to any party or celebration. It is also a good choice for a wedding toast drink because it won’t give you any hangover. Remember that you still need to deliver a speech in front of all age groups no less. Keep this tip in mind to avoid awkward moments after your wedding.


Send thank you notes



Your homework isn’t done after you exchange “I Do’s.” The next task on your checklist before jetting off to your honeymoon destination is writing and sending thank you notes. It’s time-consuming but it’s important to express your heartfelt gratitude to those who made your day extra special.


There’s no such thing as a flawless wedding but you can make it almost perfect by following these reminders, and asking your trusted friends and family for help.

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