Frolic With Colors: Every Beauty Product Camille Co Wore On Her Megastyle Cover

Frolic With Colors: Every Beauty Product Camille Co Wore On Her Megastyle Cover


Painting a multitude of colors, Megastyle cover star Camille Co and makeup artist Slo Lopez immerse in vibrance, exhibiting beauty looks like no other. 

Related: I Am Who I Am: Camille Co Is Redefining Influence And Reclaiming Respect Where It Matters IRL

“A bit grungy, but still structured,” this is how makeup artist Slo Lopez pictured Camille Co for her Megastyle cover. Famed for Mimiyuuh’s kaleidescope of eccentric beauty looks, Slo Lopez proves how her beauty experimentations are endless. As she lets us in on this chromatic creation, she spared no detail on how she incorporated contrastingly complementing elements to the overall styling. On particular layouts, you’ll see Camille wearing a strong smoky wing, which subtly toughens the look.

camille co

Zooming into Camille’s chinita features, it was a smoky cat eye with a half cut crease and a strong flick using Careline Graph-Ink Eyeliner for the wing that made the final cover. “I used some Cilios Lashes in Ian that I cut in half and placed in the outer edge,” shares Slo. “Since I wanted the cut crease, I carved in the front with a tinted eye primer to be seen and the cat shape to be emphasized.” Throughout the process, Slo gave extra attention to Camille’s skin and eye as the major highlight of the beauty look. For a more intense eye look, she played with warm-neutral brown and black using Anastasia Beverly Hills Soft Glam palette.

camille co

To start off with an oil-free and smooth skin, Slo confirmed to using same base that would look good and enhance all makeup changes as curated per layout. “After applying day cream, I sprayed it with a primer water and made sure to take off any excess,” says Slo. Minimal layers of foundation to gently build coverage and conceal spots are reliable enough with Camille’s properly prepped skin was the base of the whole journey. Ensuring the efficiency of Camille’s beauty look, Slo used two primers—an oil-control product to lessen the repetitive touch-ups and a pore filling product to boost a smoother skin.

The trend for multi-purpose creamy tints is more than welcome when creating looks during the new normal. Combining the shades Head Over Heels and Magic Spell, she patted colors to the lips and cheeks using the very versatile Careline Multi Pot. If you have the similar skin tone as our cover star, the Careline Multi Pot in the shade Magic Spell will absolutely accentuate your fair complexion.

camille co

However, the challenge is filed under common quarantine skin. While most of us our dealing with maskne (mask acne), and even Slo admits that she encounters the same skin concern, breakouts in the nose area is inevitably showing up. “It’s always a balancing act of keeping the skin natural, but also making sure any blemishes are hidden in a seamless way.”

Not quite departing far from the fun and chic Camille Co that we see on Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and other social channels, it’s still refreshing to see her in different unexpected beauty looks. And this goes to show how makeup is better than basic promise of fathomless alluring possibilities.

Photography CHARISMA LICO of Artists & Co. Manila

Art direction NICOLE ALMERO

Fashion direction, beauty direction, and styling ANGELO RAMIREZ DE CARTAGENA


Hair CATS DEL ROSARIO of Artists & Co. Manila

Shoot coordination MJ ALMERO

Video Kieran Punay of Studio 100

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