Is Becoming Sexually Inactive the New Norm For Men?

Is Becoming Sexually Inactive the New Norm For Men?


In a fascinating cultural shift, men are increasingly embracing and celebrating their sexlessness, as evidenced by a plethora of studies and a surge in social media confessions. Could it be beneficial for men to go sexually inactive or not? Here is everything you need to know

One sexual phenomenon in particular has been evolving and becoming more visible recently, which may sound strange to some. The case in question: men are becoming less sexually active. Both research and the fact that guys openly discuss their preferences on social media show that this is becoming more common and prevalent. 

men sex

Called celibacy, this choice refers to the practice of voluntarily abstaining from sexual activity. Therefore, there is no universally accepted definition of this concept. Although some people choose to abstain from any sexual activity, others actively seek it out through activities like outercourse. Many people link celibacy with religion, although there are other valid motivations for choosing this lifestyle.

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Multiple forms

Depending on one’s perspective or religious convictions, celibacy can take on different faces. Sole masturbation is an example of this kind of sexual restraint. Some guys enjoy this activity because it allows them to fulfill their sexual needs without betraying their commitment. They see it as a means to learn more about their sexuality and their bodies without actually engaging in sexual activity with anyone else. In certain scenarios, some people who are celibate may also engage in mutual masturbation, which is when they and their partner do it at the same time.

men sexual health

For some guys, engaging in sexual physical activities is still possible even if they choose to remain celibate. Outercourse refers to a sexual activity that does not entail penetration. It can be defined in two ways: either as any sexual activity that does not involve penis-in-vagina penetration or as any sexual activity that does not involve any penetration at all.

Proof that men are doing it less

Recent Pew Research study indicates dramatic changes in men’s approaches to dating and sexuality. Compared to women of the same age, more than twice as many men under the age of 30 are single. The study also determined that levels of sexual closeness and intimacy between the sexes appear to be low, providing more evidence that suggests that young men are not only more likely to be single, but also less likely to have the chance to expand their relational and sexual repertoire.

men inactive sex

University of Redlands psychologist and masculinity expert Fredric Rabinowitz discussed this issue in one of his interviews, pointing to adaptations developed by men during the pandemic. He theorized that today’s young men can satisfy many of their sexual desires by staying at home through other means like watching porn. According to data from the USA, UK, Australia, and Italy, between 76% and 87% of men aged 18 to 29 are regular porn consumers. Another interesting observation is that men who watch porn more frequently express less enthusiasm for actual sexual encounters. There is also a significant increase in erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, and decreased desire in males under the age of 40 that has been linked to psychogenic causes.

The recent spike in male celibacy

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In recent months, TikTok has become a hotbed for this intriguing phenomenon. An increasing number of men are fearlessly delving into honest discussions about their conscious choice to embrace celibacy. In addition, they graciously offer insightful explanations as to what led them to make this decision. While some guys openly question the value of engaging in physical intimacy, others passionately advocate for alternative means of expressing love and affection to their partners. The motivations behind this decision may differ from individual to individual, but no one can deny that it surprisingly becomes more evident that the question of whether sex is indispensable in a relationship is a deeply personal one.

Effects on health that may occur

While it’s always best to obtain medical advice from a licensed practitioner, certain studies have shown that sex has many positive effects on one’s well-being, and deciding against sexual activity may mean missing out on these potential benefits. Having sex on a regular basis has been linked to a variety of beneficial health effects, including stronger immune system function, lower blood pressure, less stress, and a decreased risk of cardiovascular events. Masturbation has also been shown to have stress-relieving effects on some people.


Men’s prostate health can also improve with regular ejaculation, whether in the company of someone else or not. A 2016 study indicated that the risk of prostate cancer decreased in males who ejaculated at least 21 times monthly compared to men who only ejaculated around four to seven times. For women, the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder can be strengthened with regular sexual activity, leading to enhanced bladder control and decreased instances of incontinence and leakage.

The bottomline

men sexlessness

There is no singular path to conveying the depths of one’s desires. The notion that anyone should ever feel compelled or obligated to engage in sexual activity is not only outdated, but also fundamentally undermines the principles of consent and body autonomy. Should you find yourself grappling with such concerns, it is highly advisable to engage in an open and honest dialogue with a qualified healthcare professional or therapist. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights and guidance to navigate this sexual terrain. But if there’s one thing we can take away from this, it’s that today’s men have shattered the age-old stereotype that sexual inactivity diminishes one’s manhood, a testament to the evolving definition of modern masculinity.

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