French luxury brand Longchamp brought us one of the most iconic handbags, Le Pliage.
Almost every woman owns this famous bag and has already reached a staple status in anyone’s closet. But aside from the classic Le Pliage, the fashion house introduces a handbag that truly captures the Parisian flair of free-spirit and elegance.
Related: 5 Bags To Buy From Longchamp’s F/W 18 Collection Now
Meet Mademoiselle Longchamp, a sleek everyday bag made for every modern woman. The name is derived from the French title “Mademoiselle” which is associated with an independent woman.
Designed for convenience without sacrificing luxury and style, the bag is certainly ideal for dynamic and on-the-go Mademoiselles. It has an extra removable shoulder strap that allows the bag to seamlessly transition from a casual cross-body bag for daytime activities to a charming hobo bag for evening revelries.
Aside from being a suitable day-to-night bag, Mademoiselle Longchamp has a spacious and compact interior. It is enough to make room for one’s everyday essentials as well.
With nothing less than exquisite French craftsmanship, this next IT bag is created with exceptional calfskin. It is accentuated with an edgy perforated motif to contrast its smooth texture. To add a rock-and-roll vibe, the bag is adorned with metallic details on the sling strap and studded eyelets on the body. It is fitted with the signature hardware of Longchamp, the iconic Le Pliage Heritage clasp. And, for the final touch, an enameled wax seal hangs on its side giving the bag extra character.
Mademoiselle Longchamp is more than its French glamour and sophisticated look. It is undeniably a carefree piece designed to make women’s lives easier. Whether one is juggling a hectic schedule, jet setting across the world, or enjoying an evening fete, Mademoiselle Longchamp is the most functional accessory one can have without compromising style.
Watch Longchamp Mademoiselle in full motion in the videos below!
Longchamp is exclusively available at Rustan’s Makati, Rustan’s Shangri-La, Rustan’s Cebu and Greenbelt 5.