Say Goodbye to Breakouts With These Dermatologist-Approved Ingredients

Say Goodbye to Breakouts With These Dermatologist-Approved Ingredients


Find the perfect skin solution for your breakouts with the powerful ingredients of Oxecure’s Acne Clear Powder Mud

Life is beautiful when we can face the world with astounding confidence, but sometimes acne can hinder us from feeling our best self, and it is perfectly normal. Breakouts happen because of various things such as stress, diet, and hormonal changes in our body.

In an effort to protect our acne-prone skin, we scour the internet for the best skincare solutions. While there are many anti-acne brands to choose from, one of the best ways to determine an effective product is through its ingredients and expertly balanced formulations.

With these six powerful active ingredients and natural extracts all conveniently found in Oxecure’s Acne Clear Powder Mud, our skin can get the help it needs. Here’s a run-down on what these are and what they do:

The Powerful Skin Ingredients

Get that powerful confidence to show the world your clear and smooth face with Oxecure’s Acne Clear Powder Mud
  1. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic comes from the latin word “Salix”, which means Willow Tree, the same tree that produces salicin. The salicin in willow bark then converts it into salicylic acid.

As the most popular BHA for acne control, it unclogs blocked pores and breaks down the bonds between dead skin cells so they can more easily be released from the pore. It is also often used in combination with other ingredients in peels and topical skin treatments to improve skin tone and texture.

As an exfoliant, it wards off acne and keeps oil in check for flawless matte skin.

  1. Niacinamide 

Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B-3, an essential nutrient found in food like meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and cereals. Required for the function of fats and sugars in the body, this vitamin also maintains healthy cells.

This type of protein keeps our skin firm and healthy, while helping our skin grow a ceramide (lipid) barrier, which can, in turn, help retain moisture. It also helps fade post-acne marks, acts as protection against sun damage, and helps rebuild healthy skin cells.

  1. Aloe Vera

Known for its healing properties, aloe vera was considered a “plant of immortality” in the early days and was presented to Egyptian pharaohs as a funeral gift. Nowadays, aloe’s juices are used in cosmetics and personal-care products such as moisturizer, soap, shaving cream, and suntan lotion.

This ingredient is a great natural moisturizer that can help to soothe dry skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles.

  1. Shea Butter

Did you know that Cleopatra loved shea butter? There is a mention of caravans of clay jars filled with shea butter for her use.  Shea butter has been a beauty secret for queens as far back as history can date.

This is because when dry, acne-prone skin tends to overproduce sebum, which can clog pores, shea butter stops this cycle by preventing skin from drying out in the first place. It also contains quite a few antioxidants, including vitamins A and E, along with many of the same ones found in green tea—a known antioxidant powerhouse.

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile was described in ancient medical writings as an important medicinal herb in Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Today, chamomile is promoted for sleeplessness, anxiety, and typically for skin conditions.

For acne breakouts, chamomile can help with its treatment while also preventing future breakouts. It’s great for acne-prone skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

When applied to the skin, it may help reduce signs of aging by protecting the skin from free radical damage. It accelerates cell and tissue renewal, reducing the appearance of fine lines and gives us clear and healthy skin.

With powerful ingredients, Oxecure’s Acne Clear Powder Mud is perfect for acne-prone skin

As a 2-in-1 face mask and spot corrector for acne-prone skin that helps reduce blackheads, whiteheads, small acne bumps, and post-acne marks, Oxecure’s Acne Clear Powder Mud has these ingredients to nourish and protect our skin.

Oxecure gives us the feeling of being secure with the skin we love, so it’s no wonder that their Acne Powder Mud is a best-selling product with over two million pieces sold—one piece sold every twenty seconds because of the really good ingredients and proven results.

To know more about Oxecure’s complete acne solutions, check out their Facebook and Instagram

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