How to Move to New York on Your Own, According to Filipina Content Creator Bianca Gan

How to Move to New York on Your Own, According to Filipina Content Creator Bianca Gan


Filipina YouTuber and content creator Bianca Gan gives us the inside scoop about what it’s like making the move to the city that never sleeps.

Ever put New York on your vision board but never gathered up the courage to actually make the move? Here’s your sign. There’s something about New York that makes it such a dream; it’s hailed as the city of possibilities. It’s the central metropolis of hard work, ambition, and heartbreaks, but you won’t know exactly what you get until you take a bite out of the Big Apple. Moving to a brand new country can be terrifyling, but Bianca Gan has done it—and by herself.

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SoHo, New York suits this Filipina content creator

For Bianca, there are no slow times. She moved to the big city in June 2023 and has been conquering the world ever since. For her, every day is a new adventure. New York is an incredible melting pot where, within the confines of one city block, there’s so much to discover and learn and build.

After graduating college, the 24-year-old shared that moving to NYC has been her biggest goal. “Although I love the Philippines, I felt like I was living a very stagnant life and was lacking the spontaneity I was craving,” she says. “Growing up, I always heard the saying, ‘If you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere,’ and I really wanted to prove that to myself.”

The cold weather in New York does nothing to faze Bianca

The city does not wait. You can hesitate in taking your steps, but it doesn’t wait for anyone. Be intentional in your decisions, and allow yourself to be taken where the city takes you—which is what Bianca does every time she steps out of the apartment.

With her content creation, marketing work, and gym, Bianca took a lot of time to adjust to build a community for herself in the big city. Now, she’s the happiest she’s ever been. “I am surrounded by such amazing friends, I built a healthy routine, I have my go-to spots and little pockets in the city that I found,” the content creator admits. “I can truly say that I have made a little life for myself here and I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Bianca says.

Getting There

Leaving the nest is a very opportunistic idea, but it’s an emotional journey too. The content creator shares that the process was stressful and anxiety-inducing, and that she focused her energy into spending time with her loved ones and soaking up every last bit of Manila. “I visited my favorite and go-to spots for the last time,” she says. “I only started packing a few days before my flight because I know that once I started, then it would feel so much more real. Packing up my life into boxes was a lot harder than I expected, but what really took a toll on me was when I had to unpack my life into my new place.” Thankfully, she had her mom and sister to help her move, but it was the hardest when they had to eventually return home and she had no one else around her. 

This is the part no one talks about when moving by yourself—you can’t be happy and comfortable in your new place without first feeling alone. All familiarity goes out the door, and even the small things are harder. Where to buy contact lenses, which train to take, no idea what your ‘usual’ order is—it can all be a serious process of trial and error, but Bianca has given herself some grace and time to make a part of New York city her own.

‘I found my 🫶🏼 in NYC’ – Bianca Gan

City Girl

What the content creator loves the most about the city is its diversity and openness. “No one cares about what you do here. It is a liberating feeling being able to freely do, think, say and just be,” she shares. There are few places around the world that have a larger-than-life character rivaling New York. The pulsing metropolis has an enigmatic pull on those who want to be in on the action. The constant movement is something Bianca revels in, and she loves the equality and freedom that New York has to offer. 

Bianca conquers New York every day with a new adventure

On the other hand, the biggest challenge for the content creator is discipline. “Living in New York, there are constantly things going on and people inviting you out. I thrive on spontaneity, but moving and living alone comes with responsibilities and accountability,” Bianca shares. “You have to factor in a lot of things like budget, schedule, health, social life, et cetera. Learning how to say, ‘No,’ has helped me find a balance between doing things I can versus can’t.”

To the future New Yorker

Bianca is sharing her New York diaries on her YouTube in the hopes to inspire young girls to chase their dreams, just as she did. The documentation of the highs and lows of her life has shown people that this is all a part of the journey and that whatever you go through – grows you.

If you’re planning to move to New York, here are Bianca’s tips:

1. Save, save, save! New York is so expensive so I definitely had to prepare beforehand to make sure I would be able to financially sustain myself.

2. Reach out to people and socialize as much as you can—you’ll find your community eventually.

3. The subway is your best friend; I always make sure to ride the subway to save money. Ubers and Lyfts are strictly for late nights.

4. Think outside the box and don’t be afraid to say yes to things you normally wouldn’t say yes to. The city is full of possibilities, be open to them.

PHOTOS AND FEATURED IMAGE: Bianca Gan (Via Instagram)

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