For Your Absolute Shopping Must, This Is Where You Can Click Add To Cart

For Your Absolute Shopping Must, This Is Where You Can Click Add To Cart


Online clothes shopping is seeing a spike in sales now that more people are staying at home. With a list that’s overwhelming, it’s time to organize your inner shopaholic with this list.

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Yes, we know that the stay-at-home orders will eventually be lifted, but in the interim, consumers are now creating and reinforcing new online buying behaviors and habits. So, if there’s any light in this tunnel, it’s that more and more brands are making it accessible and convenient to shop without having to leave the house. In many households, online grocery, apparel, and entertainment shopping will replace store and mall visits until a vaccine becomes available.

So while we wait, we listed down some of our favorite apparel brands and online clothing shops worth discovering.

Forever 21

The hottest trends have just become more accessible as American retail brand Forever 21 launches its online store at Lazada, as well as its Call to Deliver service. Just log in to the Lazada website or app and head on to the Forever 21 Flagship Store to browse through all the fab picks from your favorite fashion brand. Or shop in style through Forever 21’s Call to Deliver service: visit their Facebook page and browse through the catalog, and call the customer service number or the branch nearest you.


UNIQLO’s new online store, which is set to open on July 16, will extend the reach of the brand, bringing UNIQLO and its LifeWear apparel to many new customers around the country. It will also bring the brand closer to existing customers, providing a new and convenient shopping experience to complement its much-loved network of retail locations across the Philippines. For more updates, download the Uniqlo app or visit their website.


H&M is offering its latest collections, favorite basic tees, and everything you can shop at their physical stores. On their website, you can shop, explore, and even read about style inspirations, discover where their clothes are made, and find sustainability options.


Shein is an international fast-fashion brand that has been creating buzz recently. With rave reviews from YouTube vloggers and its vast options, there’s a style that will surely fit your preference and budget. Check out their website here.

Pinky Promise

From left to right: Rhea Bue, Denise Heredia, Sammie Sunga

It’s clear that the tie-dye trend is only getting bigger, and if you want to give in to the craze, we recommend checking out this Filipino-owned tie-dye shop on Instagram called Pinky Promise Apparel. Each piece is handmade and customized especially for you. Additionally, part of their sales will be donated to front liners. They make tie-dye shirts, jackets, lounge wears, socks and more.

Check out their Instagram shop here.

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